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ncsim: *E,IMPDLL: Unable to load the implicit shared object

时间:03-15 整理:3721RD 点击:

irun: 09.20-p007: (c) Copyright 1995-2009 Cadence Design Systems, Inc.
Loading snapshot worklib.top:v .................... Done
ncsim: *E,IMPDLL: Unable to load the implicit shared object.
OSDLERROR: /home/qwer/t/INCA_libs/worklib/top/v/_sv_export.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory or file is not valid ELFCLASS32 library..
ncsim: *F,FLDRUN: FAIled to load dynamic library librun for DPI.
OSDLERROR:/home/qwer/t/INCA_libs/irun.lnx86.09.20.nc/librun.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory or file is not valid ELFCLASS32 library..


you need run 64bit binary

可以說的更詳細些嗎?如何run 64bit binary.我安裝的ubuntu 是x86_64 是64bit

run 64bit eda tool. obviously , current shared library dont support 64bit Class .

所以,我需安裝另外再32BIT,才可以run 嗎?

No, try 'setenv CDS_AUTO_64BIT none' ortry 'setenv CDS_AUTO_64BIT EXCLUDE:ncsim'

我利用sudo apt-get install lib32z1安裝了32bit
irun: 09.20-p007: (c) Copyright 1995-2009 Cadence Design Systems, Inc.
Loading snapshot worklib.top:v .................... Done
ncsim: *E,IMPDLL: Unable to load the implicit shared object.
OSDLERROR: /home/qwer/t/INCA_libs/worklib/top/v/_sv_export.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory or file is not valid ELFCLASS32 library..
ncsim: *F,FLDRUN: Failed to load dynamic library librun for DPI.
OSDLERROR:/home/qwer/t/INCA_libs/irun.lnx86.09.20.nc/librun.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory or file is not valid ELFCLASS32 library..

if work failed, you can try 'setenv CDS_AUTO_64BIT all'

you can run 'file xxx/sv_export.so' and 'file xxx/librun.so' to identify the class of the shared library,if class is ELF64, setenv CDS_AUTO_64BIT all, if class is ELF 32, setenv CDS_AUTO_64BIT NONE'

我用的IUS9.2 沒有setenv command

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