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vcs mx 2010 .06 problem

时间:03-15 整理:3721RD 点击:
I downloaded vcs mx 2010.06 that exits in this site. I installed and I am sure that I am using the right license but I think I did not write the right command in terminal. what is the cshrc for this software I used this:

export PATH="/home/vahid/synopsys/VCS2010/bin:"$PATH
export PATH="/home/vahid/synopsys/SCL/linux/bin:"$PATH
alias lmli2="lmgrd -c /home/vahid/synopsys/lic/license.dat -l ~/syn_lic.log"
export VCS_HOME="/home/vahid/synopsys/VCS2010"
export SYNOPSYS="/home/vahid/synopsys/VCS2010"
export VMC_HOME="/home/vahid/synopsys/VCS2010"
export VCSI_HOME="/home/vahid/synopsys/VCS2010"
export SNPSLMD_LICENSE_FILE=27000@ubuntu
alias vcs="vcs_shell"
alias dve="dve_shell"
/home/vahid/synopsys/SCL/linux/bin/lmgrd -c /home/vahid/synopsys/lic/license.dat
vcs -gui
but when I using dve or vcs in terminal I got this message
vcs_shell: command not found
could anyone post the command for using yhis software

Please first check your DISPLAY

thanks, but it did not solve my problem, other opinion?

check your PATH or the exacutable file name

thanks guys. but I could solve this problem with this procedure:
export VCS_HOME=/home/vahid/synopsys/VCS2010
export PATH="/home/vahid/synopsys/VCS2010/bin:"$PATH
export PATH="/home/vahid/synopsys/VCS2010/gui/dve/bin:"$PATH
export PATH="/home/vahid/synopsys/SCL/linux/bin:"$PATH
alias lmli2="lmgrd -c /home/vahid/synopsys/lic/license.dat -l ~/syn_lic.log"
export SNPSLMD_LICENSE_FILE=27000@ubuntu
alias vcs="vcs_shell"
alias dve="dve_shell"
/home/vahid/synopsys/SCL/linux/bin/lmgrd -c /home/vahid/synopsys/lic/license.dat
Then I dragged the dve file from "/home/vahid/synopsys/VCS2010/gui/dve/bin" to terminal window and dve was started

let me tell you something. your script is too complex,there is no need to setup such a complex script. you only need set the path for VCS, when you have compiled your design, the software can find dve automatically . my .bashrc is like following
export SNPS_HOME=/tools/synopsys
export VCS_HOME=$SNPS_HOME/vcs_vD-2010.06
export $PATH=$PATHVCS_HOME/bin
export SNPSLMD_LICENSE_FILE=/tools/synopsys/license.dat


Could you tell me how to install the VCS 2010 please? Now I can't install the "common file", I also download the programe at this website,It has no "scl" file .

export PATH="/home/vahid/synopsys/VCS2010/gui/dve/bin:"$PATH

did you solve the problem or not.
If yes please guide me , i am also facing the same problem.

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