intrinsic unless you do spice in medici
总电容 of the circuit or just a device?
Let me know your case & require.
就是求一个普通MOS管的栅源栅漏的总电容(包括交叠电容和边缘场电容),MEDICI可能跑出来交叠电容?还有就是源漏电阻(源结+漏结+沟道),用什么语句?(总电阻用extract name=R express="@V(Drain)/@I(Drain)" 表达式可行?还是用extract name=R express=“1/g(Drain,source)”?)小弟还是个菜鸟,谢谢赐教,感激不尽!
You are welcome
It seems to me that you wanna a MOSFET
Do not understand 栅源栅漏的总电容 your mentioned, please specify it in English.
What it sounds like to me is your would like to simulate the gate capacitance + field capacitance.
The later one (i.e. 边缘场电容) require the definition the environment condition - air, which is excluded in the expression of "@V(Drain)/@I(Drain)".It is straightforward.
However, the trick thing is your device structure.MEDICI is very likely to give you weird value if it is not tuned precisely.
Also error might occur to your expression " extract name=R express="@V(Drain)/@I(Drain) ", which might be better to be changed into
extract name=Rds express="@V(Drain)/@I(Drain) cond="@I(drain)>0"
Enjoy it.Let me know if your have any further hesitate.ukinfo@in.com
Thanks for your help.Wish you have a good life!
请问小编用过medici的电路仿真功能吗?我有个电路仿真的问题想请教您。怎么将例子medex17(HEMT管子)做成一个模型,然后将其用于电路仿真中?我尝试过SAVE MESH OUT.FILE=HEMT W.MODELSHEMT1 1=1 2=3 0=2 0=4 FILE=HEMT
结果报错 HEMT unknown circuit parameter。
有,不“十分”复杂的电路,200 node以下的
你的问题是输出的文档 hemt 没有正确导入。这个问题简单,只要按照例子或者user guild上正确解答,就没有问题的。
接下来的问题是,你的GaN Hemt的电路中convergence问题,这要花点心思才能解决。