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synplify 2010.9 linux license

时间:03-15 整理:3721RD 点击:
今天在下面的网页上安装synplify 2010.09(下载于:http://bbs.eetop.cn/thread-270860-1-5.html),
1. Put the executables ./mbin/synbatch and ./mbin/synplify to
<install-dir>/linux/mbin/ and replace the original one
2. Put the executable ./synplctyd to <install-dir>/linux/
3. Modify synplify.lic. re-write the following based on your environment:
<hostname>-- your host name (use command 'hostname' to check it)
<hostid>-- your MAC address
<port>-- TCP port for the license server
<path-to-synplctyd> -- The path to synplctyd mentioned in step 2.
4. Setup the license server for this license.

I am not sure if I understand what the problem is, since I use google translate. ;)
If you have to start the license server thn you can do that with:
lmgrd -c your_license_file.txt
hope that helps

thank wanzanflokflok for help me! I have use "lmgrd -c your_license_file.txt" for setup license, the detail is following:
感谢wanzanflokflok的帮助,我已使用"lmgrd -c your_license_file.txt" 建立license,运行完后出现:(在运行之前,将synplctyd改成了可执行文件)

[jjliu@localhost bin]$ /home/jjliu/eda/synopsys/scl/scl/linux/bin/lmgrd -c /home/jjliu/eda/synopsys/synplify/synplify_2010.9/synplify.lic
11:44:06 (lmgrd) -----------------------------------------------
11:44:06 (lmgrd)Please Note:
11:44:06 (lmgrd)
11:44:06 (lmgrd)This log is intended for debug purposes only.
11:44:06 (lmgrd)In order to capture accurate license
11:44:06 (lmgrd)usage data into an organized repository,
11:44:06 (lmgrd)please enable report logging. Use Macrovision's
11:44:06 (lmgrd)software license administrationsolution,
11:44:06 (lmgrd)FLEXnet Manager, toreadily gain visibility
11:44:06 (lmgrd)into license usage data and to create
11:44:06 (lmgrd)insightful reports on critical information like
11:44:06 (lmgrd)license availability and usage. FLEXnet Manager
11:44:06 (lmgrd)can be fully automated to run these reports on
11:44:06 (lmgrd)schedule and can be used to track license
11:44:06 (lmgrd)servers and usage across a heterogeneous
11:44:06 (lmgrd)network of servers including Windows NT, Linux
11:44:06 (lmgrd)and UNIX. Contact Macrovision at
11:44:06 (lmgrd)www.macrovision.com for more details on how to
11:44:06 (lmgrd)obtain an evaluation copy of FLEXnet Manager
11:44:06 (lmgrd)for your enterprise.
11:44:06 (lmgrd)
11:44:06 (lmgrd) -----------------------------------------------
11:44:06 (lmgrd)
11:44:06 (lmgrd)
11:44:06 (lmgrd) FLEXnet Licensing (v10.8.5.0 build 31891 i86_re3) started on localhost.localdomain (linux) (9/5/2011)
11:44:06 (lmgrd) Copyright (c) 1988-2006 Macrovision Europe Ltd. and/or Macrovision Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
11:44:06 (lmgrd) US Patents 5,390,297 and 5,671,412.
11:44:06 (lmgrd) World Wide Web:http://www.macrovision.com
11:44:06 (lmgrd) License file(s): /home/jjliu/eda/synopsys/synplify/synplify_2010.9/synplify.lic
11:44:06 (lmgrd) lmgrd tcp-port 27005
11:44:06 (lmgrd) Starting vendor daemons ...
11:44:06 (synplctyd) FLEXnet Licensing version v10.8.2.1 build 31548
[jjliu@localhost bin]$ 11:44:06 (lmgrd) Started synplctyd (internet tcp_port 60490 pid 32237)
11:44:28 (synplctyd) Server started on localhost.localdomain for:synplifypro_asix
11:44:28 (synplctyd) synplifyprosynplifysynplifyasic
11:44:28 (synplctyd) amplifyamplifyasiccertify
11:44:28 (synplctyd) certifyscidentifydebugger identprodebugger
11:44:28 (synplctyd) identifydebugger_actel identifydebugger_altera identifydebugger_xilinx
11:44:28 (synplctyd) identifyinstrumentor identproinstrumentor identifyinstrumentor_actel
11:44:28 (synplctyd) identifyinstrumentor_altera identifyinstrumentor_xilinx synplifypremier
11:44:28 (synplctyd) synplifypremierdp
11:44:28 (lmgrd) synplctyd using TCP-port 60490

There is no error
and run lmstat -c /home/jjliu/eda/synopsys/synplify/synplify_2010.9/synplify.lic
the detail is following:

[jjliu@localhost bin]$ /home/jjliu/eda/synopsys/scl/scl/linux/bin/lmstat -c /home/jjliu/eda/synopsys/synplify/synplify_2010.9/synplify.lic
lmstat - Copyright (c) 1989-2006 Macrovision Europe Ltd. and/or Macrovision Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
Flexible License Manager status on Mon 9/5/2011 11:44
License server status: 27005@localhost.localdomain
License file(s) on localhost.localdomain: /home/jjliu/eda/synopsys/synplify/synplify_2010.9/synplify.lic:
localhost.localdomain: license server UP (MASTER) v10.8
Vendor daemon status (on localhost.localdomain):
synplctyd11:44:55 (synplctyd) TCP_NODELAY NOT enabled
: UP v10.8
but when I run <install-dir>/bin/synplify

License for feature synplify is not available.
Unable to obtain license host ID.

Anyone can tell me where is wrong?


Hi liujj567d,
It looks like you have succesfully set up the licence manager, and it is running at 27005@localhost.localdomain .
So now you will have to tell synplify where to connect to. When you use a license manager lice this you can do:
start the license server like you did.
export SNPSLMD_LICENSE_FILE=27005@localhost.localdomain
and then start synplify. Hope that helps.
And if I may ask, do you know where to download the install files for 2010.09 linux? I do have the install files for 2011.03 sp1, and use that with the crack for 2010.09, but that has some problems. So I would like to try the actual 2010.09 linux version...
I noticed it on the board ( http://bbs.eetop.cn/thread-270860-1-5.html ), but that is a 214 part download for which I do not have enough "cell" points. Do you maybe know of another location? Anyways, I hope the license manager is working for you now.

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(who Shielding wanzanflokflok ?)
Hi: wanzanflokflok
Can you give me you advice again?

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