首页 > 研发问答 > 综合技术问答 > EDA使用问答 > DC安装是出现以下问题,求高手解答!


时间:03-15 整理:3721RD 点击:
20:39:13 (lmgrd)
20:39:13 (lmgrd)This log is intended for debug purposes only.
20:39:13 (lmgrd)In order to capture accurate license
20:39:13 (lmgrd)usage data into an organized repository,
20:39:13 (lmgrd)please enable report logging. Use Macrovision's
20:39:13 (lmgrd)software license administrationsolution,
20:39:13 (lmgrd)FLEXnet Manager, toreadily gAIn visibility
20:39:13 (lmgrd)into license usage data and to create
20:39:13 (lmgrd)insightful reports on critical information like
20:39:13 (lmgrd)license availability and usage. FLEXnet Manager
20:39:13 (lmgrd)can be fully automated to run these reports on
20:39:13 (lmgrd)schedule and can be used to track license
20:39:13 (lmgrd)servers and usage across a heterogeneous
20:39:13 (lmgrd)network of servers including Windows NT, Linux
20:39:13 (lmgrd)and UNIX. Contact Macrovision at
20:39:13 (lmgrd)www.macrovision.com for more details on how to
20:39:13 (lmgrd)obtain an evaluation copy of FLEXnet Manager
20:39:13 (lmgrd)for your enterprise.
20:39:13 (lmgrd)
20:39:13 (lmgrd) -----------------------------------------------
20:39:13 (lmgrd)
20:39:13 (lmgrd)
20:39:13 (lmgrd) Using license file "/usr/local/flexlm/licenses/license.dat"


0:11:16 (lmgrd)This log is intended for debug purposes only.
0:11:16 (lmgrd)In order to capture accurate license
0:11:16 (lmgrd)usage data into an organized repository,
0:11:16 (lmgrd)please enable report logging. Use Macrovision's
0:11:16 (lmgrd)software license administrationsolution,
0:11:16 (lmgrd)FLEXnet Manager, toreadily gain visibility
0:11:16 (lmgrd)into license usage data and to create
0:11:16 (lmgrd)insightful reports on critical information like
0:11:16 (lmgrd)license availability and usage. FLEXnet Manager
0:11:16 (lmgrd)can be fully automated to run these reports on
0:11:16 (lmgrd)schedule and can be used to track license
0:11:16 (lmgrd)servers and usage across a heterogeneous
0:11:16 (lmgrd)network of servers including Windows NT, Linux
0:11:16 (lmgrd)and UNIX. Contact Macrovision at
0:11:16 (lmgrd)www.macrovision.com for more details on how to
0:11:16 (lmgrd)obtain an evaluation copy of FLEXnet Manager
0:11:16 (lmgrd)for your enterprise.
0:11:16 (lmgrd)
0:11:16 (lmgrd) -----------------------------------------------
0:11:16 (lmgrd)
0:11:16 (lmgrd)
0:11:16 (lmgrd) Failed to open the TCP port number in the license.


I remember:
For the first time to install the EDA tools, you should check some files in your machine like (hostname,even port define).It's a file that you need update for the first running.
I meet this problem also,but I forgot the file names.Sorry , please google it.

其中一个原因可能是你已经打开license端口了 lmdown一下试试,然后再次lmgrd license

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