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License Design Compiler

时间:03-15 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi guys, i'm not able to start lmgrd on Fedora 17.I have SCL 11.5 i86_lsb, DC 2013.03 and installer v3 downloaded at http://bbs.eetop.cn/thread-418738-1-1.html
I generated license on Windows 7/8, and verificated with sssverify on linux.
The 3 first lines of my license are:
SERVER localhost 000000000000 27000
VENDOR snpslmd /usr/synopsys/11.5/linux/bin/snpslmd
I used MAC of zeros because lmhosid returned it, but i tried also with the real MAC of PC.When i write lmgrd -c /usr/syonpsys/synopsys.dat -l , it returns "lmgrd exited with status 0, signal 17". Why?
While, the lines of bashrc are:
export SNPSLMD_LICENSE_FILE="27000@localhost"
export LM_LICENSE_FILE="27000@localhost"
Anyone can help me please?
There are other post about this problem, but i don't find the correct solution

Fedora? aggressive linux release , normally speaking, it is not friendly to general eda tools.

Now, i'm trying to use CentOS 6.5, maybe SCL 11.5 is not supported by Fedore 17, however both are based on red hat. I'll let you know

caused by your ethernet card name, it should be ethX, not emX

true, i have em1, lo and wlan0. have i to change all interfaces? or only that of my interest?

Alright, Design Compiler starts. Now i would to open gui of Design Vision, but the it doesn't show. Then i wrote export DISPLAY=unix:0 but nothing. I'm running DC on virtual machine. Do you have another trick?

use the vnc appliction connecting into you Linux virtual machine, then start the design_vision, you will see the gui

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