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cadence spectre 仿真 问题

时间:03-15 整理:3721RD 点击:
在仿真中 在spectre.out窗口中出现下面的话
Warning from spectre during Ahdl read-in.
WARNING (VACOMP-2397): Compilation fAIled when using pipe build. Bytecode flow will be used for encrypted verilogA, and normal file compilation will be used for unencrypted VerilogA.
Compiling ahdlcmi module library.
Error found by spectre during AHDL read-in.
ERROR (VACOMP-1008): Cannot compile ahdlcmi module library. Checkthe log file input.ahdlSimDB//3712_artist_ahdlLib_opamp_veriloga_veriloga.va.opamp.ahdlcmi/Linux-64/../ahdlcmi.out for details. If the compiler ran out of memory, use 'setenv CDS_CMI_COMPLEVEL 0', and try again. If the reason for the failure was a syntax error, contact your Cadence Customer Support representative with the netlist, log files, behavioral model files, and any other information that can help identify the problem.
ERROR (SFE-91): Error when elaborating the instance opamp. Simulation should be terminated.
安装方法是按照 min4max 做的
我调用的时AHDL中的系统自带的用verilog编写的模型。我的系统是ubantu12.04提示缺少的库 都装上了求助 各位大神 @min4max


小编我的已解决,参考min4max推荐的那篇文章http://bbs.eetop.cn/thread-325872-2-1.html,我使用的是redhat5.8 x64,在.bashrc 添加变量 export CDS_AHDLCMI_ENABLE=NO


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