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Cadence Allegro SPB 16.6 Hotfix S002

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Cadence SPB16.6 SuperHotfix002发布,具体修复问题如下:
DATE: 12-21-2012HOTFIX VERSION: 002
491042CONCEPT_hdlSECTIONPrevent PackagerXL from changing visibility on SEC attribute
863928ALLEGRO_EDITOR INTERACTIVSegment over void higlights false "nets with arc"
1067272 PCB_LIBRARIANCOREUnable to retAIn the symbol outline changes
1074820 ALLEGRO_EDITOR GRAPHICSlosing infinite cursor tracking after selecting the add text command with opengl enable
1075622 CONCEPT_HDLCOREPDV Edit Symbol in DE-HDL all editing functions disabled since Hotfix 33
1076986 APDWIREBONDWirebond Adjust Min DRC does not maintain the finger position in the same sequence
1078031 SIG_INTEGRITYREPORTSRequesting improvement to progress indicator for report generator
1080213 SIP_layoutWIREBONDWrong behavior of Redistribute Fingers Command
1080667 ALLEGRO_EDITOR GRAPHICSAllegro lines with fonts not displayed correctly in 16.6
1080982 CONCEPT_HDLCORECrash of Allegro Design Entry during a copy of a note.
1081200 CONSTRAINT_MGR OTHERIn the DIFF_PAIR worksheets various Analysis seem to take a long time to complete.
1081553 CONCEPT_HDLOTHERModel Assignment can not translate M (Milli-ohm) property value of DE HDL.
1081696 ALLEGRO_EDITOR INTERACTIVCompose shape not working when radius is set to 1.0
1082595 ALLEGRO_EDITOR COLORInfinite cursor remains white even we change background to white
1082704 ALLEGRO_EDITOR GRAPHICSinfinite cursor disappears when using Display>Measure
1082715 SIG_EXPLORERINTERACTIVSingle line impedance for BOTTOM Layer is not calculated in cross section upon changing the thickness of dielectic layer
1082774 ALLEGRO_EDITOR TECHFILEImport techfile command terminates abnormally when importing a generic techfile.
1082820 CONSTRAINT_MGR UI_FORMSThe configure generic cross-section pull downs do not work.
1083133 SIP_LAYOUTINTERACTIVESiP will crash when using the beta Pad Rename command to change a BGA pads name.
1083158 ALLEGRO_EDITOR GRAPHICSThe cursor chage to Arrow head for Shape Select is more sensitive to location in SPB 16.6
1083533 CONCEPT_HDLCONSTRAINT_MGRBug -Net-count under few of the netclasses are not in sync between Schematics & Layout
1083637 PCB_LIBRARIANCORESave As is not renaming the NAME in the symbol.css file
1083934 ALLEGRO_EDITOR PAD_EDITORError(SPMHUT-41): File selected is not of type Drawing.
1084148 CONCEPT_HDLCHECKPLUSThe CheckPlus hasProperty predicate fails in the Physical environment.
1084166 SIP_LAYOUTDIE_ABSTRACT_IFUpdating sip layout with new die abstract doesn't properly update IC_DESIGN_CELL* properties
1084285 CONCEPT_HDLINFRACorrupted dcf was never fixed and caused PXL error
1084441 CONCEPT_HDLCOREAssigned net property value changes to numeric
1084542 ALLEGRO_EDITOR DRAFTINGDimensions associated with frect doesn't rotate with the symbol.
1084736 APDIMPORT_DATAImport SPD2 file from UPD-L shape Pad and text issue
1085008 ALLEGRO_EDITOR INTERACTIVRelative (from last pick) option in the Pick dialog not working for pick command
1085139 ALLEGRO_EDITOR GRAPHICSInfinite Cursor disappear during Add Connect if Infinite_cursor_bug_nt is enabled
1085187 SIP_LAYOUTINTERFACE_PLANNE netrev with overwrite constraints fatal error
1086402 ALLEGRO_EDITOR GRAPHICSInfinite cursor dissapear when using command like add connect or Place manually with opengl enabled.
1086905 PSPICESIMULATORPSpice crash while simulating circuit file with BREAK function
1087770 ALLEGRO_EDITOR EDIT_ETCHAllegro crashes on a pick with the slide command.
1088412 SCMCONCEPT_IMPORTwhy reimport block adds _1 to the netnames?
1088958 CONSTRAINT_MGR INTERACTIVannot create Differential Pairs out of nets that belongs to a Net Group
1089336 ALLEGRO_EDITOR GRAPHICSinfinite cursor and pcb_cursor_angle
1090689 ADWLRMLRM: Unable to select any Row regardless of Status
1090955 ALLEGRO_EDITOR OTHERCancel command crashes PCB Editor when add rectangle
1091047 ALLEGRO_EDITOR REPORTSThe "Dangling Lines Via and Antenna� report seems to be missing vias that are antennas.
1091218 ADWLRMLRM is not worked for the block design of included project
1091443 ALLEGRO_EDITOR OTHERCrash when toggling suppress pads
1091706 ALLEGRO_EDITOR EDIT_ETCHAllegro crash while routing after setting variable acon_no_impedance_width
1092916 CAPTUREOTHERCapture crash
1093573 ALLEGRO_EDITOR DATABASEteam design opening workflow manager crashes allegro.possibly corrupt database


thank you man..




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