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Cadence Allegro SPB 16.6 Hotfix S030(2014.06.12)

时间:03-15 整理:3721RD 点击:

Cadence SPB16.6下载(Hotfix030已发布)
Cadence SPB16.6已经推出,需要的朋友可以点击下面的链接下载:
链接:http://pan.bAIdu.com/s/1i3rBuJj 密码: yd5a
鉴于下面的网友回复后找base程序,先提供base以及Hotfix030下载地址如下:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1haglK (注意:链接中还有一个Hotfix029的文件,可以忽略之,因为Hotfix030已经包含了029的内容。)
DATE: 06-12-2014HOTFIX VERSION: 030
ALLEGRO_EDITOR PLACEMENTShow the Rats when one selects physical symbols to place them
1138680 FSPPOWER_MAPPINGAbility to assign decoupling capacitors inspreadsheet like application
1243410 SIG_EXPLOREREXTRACTTOPCircuit topology extract failed in caseof CLASS
1262977 ALLEGRO_EDITOR TECHFILEWhen importing a certain tech file intoan empty .brd Allegro crashes.
1267558 ALLEGRO_EDITOR INTERFACESArc part of symbol pin missing in 3Dview of step model
1268252 ALLEGRO_EDITOR GRAPHICSstep place bound issue(3D View)
1270450 ALLEGRO_EDITOR INTERACTIVfootprint add line on line crash
1270962 CONCEPT_hdlPDFPDF Publisher command line doesnot print pdf file ifdouble back slashis present
1270964 ALLEGRO_EDITOR MENTORMentor translation crashes with noerrors in log file
1270999 MODEL_INTEGRIT TRANSLATIONibis2signoise Issue
1271543 ALLEGRO_EDITOR PAD_EDITORLibrary import reporting missingpadstacks
1272099 ALLEGRO_EDITOR GRAPHICSPlotting does not fill shapes
1272406 ALLEGRO_EDITOR DRC_TIMING_CHKSKILL command 'axlDBTextBlockFindName'returns 1 when nil is expected
1272748 ALLEGRO_EDITOR GRAPHICS3D viewer crashes on this specifictestcase
1272793 ALLEGRO_EDITOR GRAPHICS3D view doesnot displays hole withoffset correctly
1272863 ALLEGRO_EDITOR INTERFACESAbility to find the origin of STEP Filein order to place it exactly where it needs to be on footprint during mapping.
1273264 ADWCOMPONENT_BROWSE hyperlinks notrecognized in the component browser
1273304 CONCEPT_HDLPDFPublish PDF from commandline does not work ifthere are spaces in the Path
1274661 CONCEPT_HDLCOREI can't copy a property from onecomponent to another
1275237 ALLEGRO_EDITOR DATABASEAllegro Crash on running DBDOCTOR fora board
1275345 CONCEPT_HDLCREFERThe Xref information page numbervalues are incorrect
1275748 APDIMPORT_DATAWireBond starts away from the Die Pinafter importing Die using Die Text In Wizard
1276270 CONCEPT_HDLCOREDEHDL crash by Zoom In > Ctrl+A> Move
1277735 SIP_layoutIMPORT_DATAsip layout spd2 translator issues withoffset die and mirroring
1279258 CONSTRAINT_MGR OTHERImport logic stops with error
1279694 ALLEGRO_EDITOR SKILLaxlCNSSpacingMin('via nil) crashesAllegro PCB Editor




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