ERROR(185) : FAIled to create the netlist because either the irun executable is not in a directory listed in the 'path' variable or you are running IUS 8.1 in an unsupported platform. Correct the value of the 'path' variable or move to a supported platform and then try again.
ERROR(185) : FAIled to create the netlist because either the irun executable is not in a directory listed in the 'path' variable or you are running IUS 8.1 in an unsupported platform. Correct the value of the 'path' variable or move to a supported platform and then try again.
can not find irun in the 'path' list ?
Use command "which irun" can find it, but what is the 'path' list?
maybe, it can not be supports in your current platform.
Thank you for your help? How can i know which plantform I have been used?
execute the command 'uname -a' ,you will see the machine version and linux release, or you can execute 'lsb_release -a' to check the release version.