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Synplify Problem

时间:03-15 整理:3721RD 点击:
Guide me...
Have problem in both windows and linux..
Help me how to solve the problem

Synplify pro

ok darling no prob....
Have any idea to solve this issue..?

can you solve this issue?

can you sove tjis issue.......


me too

for debugging -
go to command window (cmd.exe); and type set
make sure all license variable point to correct license file (there may be 3)
if not type in
set LM_LICENSE_FILE= path to your license file
set SYNPLCTYD_LICENSE_FILE=path to your license file
set SNPSLMD_LICENSE_FILE=path to your license file
start taskmgr, and kill all lmgrd process
then manually start lmgrd
cd \synopsys\scl\11.x\win32\bin
lmgrd -c path to license file
then manually start synplify_premier or whatever using cmd line
for example do
cd \synopsys\fpga_I...\bin

you forbid your MAC.

I need for windows version

上一篇:EFA Team License Generator

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