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from cracked IC6.1.5

时间:03-15 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi, if i do tapeout from IC6.1.5 which is not licensed will i get caught from fab?
Someone told me that there is a license stamp in output file or GDSII which tells the fab that the tool is cracked. And it can blacklist.
So if I use http://bbs.eetop.cn/viewthread.php?tid=317711&highlight=ic615 tool for tapeout, will i get caught from fab?
What to do?

How can you run without a license? No matter what you do, you must have a "passed" license to do everything.
Why do not worry about using a cracked WORD or Windows? hehe

I have IC615 patch. Will I get caught?
If I give GDSII to TSMC, will they catch me? go to jail?

I have patch IC615. Will I get caught?
If I give GDSII to TSMC or SMIC etc, will they catch me? go to jail?
http://bbs.eetop.cn/viewthread.p ... ght=ic615%2Blicense

nice share

上一篇:网盤版免安裝 matlab7

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