ubuntu 下安装cadence 615求助
按照http://bbs.eetop.cn/viewthread.php?tid=387531 在ubuntu13.04 上安装完了
XXX@XXX-ThinkPad-T420:~$ virtuoso:ERROR: The OA2.2 library directory (ERROR: oaGetLibPath cannot be executed because the /home/linbin/eda/IC615/oa_v22.41.004/bin/linux_rhel4O_gcc44x_32/opt directory does not exist.
Verify that the OA_BIT environment variable is set correctly or unset this variable.
Verify that the OA_MODE environment variable is set correctly or unset this variable.) does not seem to exist.
virtuoso:INFO: You have OA_UNSUPPORTED_PLAT set to "linux_rhel4O_gcc44x" in your environment:
virtuoso:check that the value provided correspond to a valid OA platform.
virtuoso:If this value is correct, check your OA installation.
virtuoso:INFO: Note that OpenAccess (OA) requires running the Configure phase.
virtuoso:See the "OpenAccess Installation and Configuration Guide" before
virtuoso:you complete the configuration step. This manual is included with
virtuoso:the Cadence product documentation.
XXX@XXX-ThinkPad-T420:~$ virtuoso:ERROR: The OA2.2 library directory (ERROR: oaGetLibPath cannot be executed because the /home/linbin/eda/IC615/oa_v22.41.004/bin/linux_rhel4O_gcc44x_32/opt directory does not exist.
Verify that the OA_BIT environment variable is set correctly or unset this variable.
Verify that the OA_MODE environment variable is set correctly or unset this variable.) does not seem to exist.
virtuoso:INFO: You have OA_UNSUPPORTED_PLAT set to "linux_rhel4O_gcc44x" in your environment:
virtuoso:check that the value provided correspond to a valid OA platform.
virtuoso:If this value is correct, check your OA installation.
virtuoso:INFO: Note that OpenAccess (OA) requires running the Configure phase.
virtuoso:See the "OpenAccess Installation and Configuration Guide" before
virtuoso:you complete the configuration step. This manual is included with
virtuoso:the Cadence product documentation.
大哥,我错了。最近恍惚的不行,这中错误都没发现。惭愧啊,还是谢谢你, 问题解决。