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virtuoso安装PDK出错:no user triggers registered 请问怎么回事

时间:03-14 整理:3721RD 点击:

装IBM Bicmos 8HP库 出现这个问题 请问这是怎么回事 如何解决?

我顶 貌似对使用没啥影响啊

firstly, they are not errors,just a warning message, they should not have any effect on your jobs.
maybe what causes the messages is to call automatically the skill function 'deUnRegUserTrigger()' which will check if you set a bindkey for the PDK in your initial file, if not, just show the warning message, you can set the user bindkey in the .cdsinit, or by ibmPDKBindKey() in CIW, or just leave it untouched ,ignored the message.

thx for sharing...........

上一篇:cadence 64位问题?

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