微波EDA网,见证研发工程师的成长! 2025年03月17日 星期一
首页 > 研发问答 > 综合技术问答 > EDA使用问答 > Running EDAs in Windows7-32bit with full support of 4 or 8 Gigabyte easilly

Running EDAs in Windows7-32bit with full support of 4 or 8 Gigabyte easilly

时间:03-14 整理:3721RD 点击:

I have tested and it works perfectly
I am sorry. could someone tell me something about attachment rules. My Chinese is not good enough

dingdingding goodgood
but need re install win 7

Please be aware it is an EDA forum.You post discusses a method that tweaks RAM restriction in Win7 OS, which is unfortunately irrelevant to EDA .
Please upload your file via click 'upload' button in a new post.
should your attachment file is greater han 15mb please split it into several 14mb parts in the file extension of <.rar> or <.zip> formate with the password of< ald_syn_cad@eetop.cn >

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