请教ic610 安装问题: fs.1文件报错
不知道大家有没有碰到这个问题。 现在在犹豫究竟是从别处重新下载第五个数据包呢, 还是降低tar的版本呢?
望指点迷津, 不胜感激啊
Dear gbq, the file must be FS.1 not fs.1 , linux is case sensitive. Maybe I understood wrong, anyway my advice to you is to try to get 5of5 tar again. And when you untar be careful there again, never seen such error, so it's not a common one, so it must be the archive wrong, from 1-to-4(of5) went well?
hi, dexterpaul. many thanks to your advice.with newly downloaded 5 of 5tar, the setup now is accomplished. and i also doublt whether the active firewall results in the surprising phenomenon due to my blunder therebefore. anyhow, i can go ahead with my work after so many try-and-wrong
hehe, mybe tar error