关于CST MWS VBA的几个问题
请问 有没有 拿VBA写过cst模型的 我想使用transient solver 但是 我运行程序以后没有result 出现。我是这么写的(当然前边还有1堆不相关的),什么也画不出来,我也不知到solver运行了没有到底。也不知到去哪里看结果。
哪位好心的大侠教教我 怎么弄啊
Mesh.SetCreator "High Frequency"
With Solver
.CalculationType "TD-S"
.StimulationPort "All"
.StimulationMode "All"
.SteadyStateLimit "-30.0"
.MeshAdaption "False"
.AutoNormImpedance "False"
.NormingImpedance "50"
.CalculateModesOnly "False"
.SParaSymmetry "False"
.StoreTDResultsInCache "False"
.FullDeembedding "False"
.SuperimposePLWExcitation "False"
.UseSensitivityAnalysis "False"
End With
Mesh.MeshType "PBA"
SelectTreeItem ("2D/3D Results\E-Field\e1\Y")
' Plot the scalar field of the selected monitor
With ScalarPlot3D
.Type ("isosurfaces")
.PlotAmplitude (False)
.Scaling (50)
.LogScale (False)
.ScaleToVectorMaximum (True)
.Quality (60)
End With
哪位好心的大侠教教我 怎么弄啊
Mesh.SetCreator "High Frequency"
With Solver
.CalculationType "TD-S"
.StimulationPort "All"
.StimulationMode "All"
.SteadyStateLimit "-30.0"
.MeshAdaption "False"
.AutoNormImpedance "False"
.NormingImpedance "50"
.CalculateModesOnly "False"
.SParaSymmetry "False"
.StoreTDResultsInCache "False"
.FullDeembedding "False"
.SuperimposePLWExcitation "False"
.UseSensitivityAnalysis "False"
End With
Mesh.MeshType "PBA"
SelectTreeItem ("2D/3D Results\E-Field\e1\Y")
' Plot the scalar field of the selected monitor
With ScalarPlot3D
.Type ("isosurfaces")
.PlotAmplitude (False)
.Scaling (50)
.LogScale (False)
.ScaleToVectorMaximum (True)
.Quality (60)
End With