有关use subgridding 的问题
小弟在剖分网格的时候使用了special里面的use subgridding选项,可是仿真时出现以下信息:
please note that the flexible subgridding algorithm requires some numerical overhead compared to normol PBA meshing. therefor subgridding should only be used if the number of meshsells can be reduced by a factor 3 or more.
please note that the flexible subgridding algorithm requires some numerical overhead compared to normol PBA meshing. therefor subgridding should only be used if the number of meshsells can be reduced by a factor 3 or more.
When you applying subgridding, the minimum mesh step will be half as the normal mesh algorithm. Thus your excitation simulation time will be doubled. If your model is too simple to have more than 3 factor of subgridding, there won't be any benefit to apply this algorithm.
The message you've seen is for information only. It's not an error.