最新CAM350 v10.2 下载
New toolbars and context menus for reference designators, components and callouts
- New Component fill and fill-style commands for PCB views, variants and process steps
- New Noteblock line spacing and starting number controls
- New Insert Time and Date command
- Ability to select parts for process step using any attribute
- Automatically generate a Parts List from any PCB View
- Reference designators follow any angle component rotation
- Assembly Variant displays now support components with fill patterns and outline patterns
- New coordinate toolbar for location feedback during graphic editing
BluePrint-PCB is powerful and feature rich:
* Use PCB CAD data to drive the documentation process
* Drag and drop automatic formatting of PCB views
* Imports DXF files for dragging and dropping mechanical hardware
* Gerber files can be imported and used on drawing sheets to document PCB artwork layers
* Inserts Gerber, DXF, PDF, JPEG, BMP, AVI, WAV
* Built in word processing with spell check
* Intelligent note blocks on multiple pages
* Hyperlink between notes, callouts, and details
* Automatic drill chart creation
* Support for drill tolerances
* Automatic layer stack up detail creation
* Unlimited PCB views on single sheet (top side, bottom side, inner layers)
* View assembly variances on Assembly drawing
* Fast and easy assembly reference designation placement
* Support for mechanical components in BOM
* No hiding and displaying of layers to produce documentation
* Real time viewing of PCB documentation (no output required)
* Compress drawings and files with an integrated viewer for sharing
* Import parts lists from Enterprise systems via CSV and ODBC formats
* Customize templates and automation to integrate with specific standards
* Export to HTML for web viewing
* Free BluePrint document viewer download
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