由方程得到曲线,再由曲线得到面,可是会报模型有错误,设计了不合适的局部坐标等等?这是为啥呢?新手不知道是什么意思,求大神们指导,感觉不尽 )
[warning] Model dimensions (65000, 155000) are beyond the expected range (1e-006, 10000). (5:12:37 下午 十一月 22, 2014)
[error] The part part1 has an invalid part coordinate system. (5:12:37 下午 十一月 22, 2014)
[error] The part part1_2 has an invalid part coordinate system. (5:12:37 下午 十一月 22, 2014)
[warning] Solution Setup 'Setup1': Given the specified frequency and model dimensions, an extremely large mesh will be required to produce an accurate solution. Your model and/or frequency units may be set incorrectly. (5:12:37 下午 十一月 22, 2014)
[warning] Model dimensions (65000, 155000) are beyond the expected range (1e-006, 10000). (5:12:37 下午 十一月 22, 2014)
[error] The part part1 has an invalid part coordinate system. (5:12:37 下午 十一月 22, 2014)
[error] The part part1_2 has an invalid part coordinate system. (5:12:37 下午 十一月 22, 2014)
[warning] Solution Setup 'Setup1': Given the specified frequency and model dimensions, an extremely large mesh will be required to produce an accurate solution. Your model and/or frequency units may be set incorrectly. (5:12:37 下午 十一月 22, 2014)
之前画过一个脊喇叭,里面也有需要把曲线(也是用方程表示的)和直线围成的一个面。把曲线和直线unity,然后coverline成面,也出现了这个问题“ invalid part coordinate system.”。后来发现,直线和曲线unity时,要先选中直线,再选曲线,然后unity,最后coverline成面,就不会提示“invalid part coordinate system”了。