Gain is four pi times the ratio of an antenna’s radiation intensity in a given direction to the total power accepted by the antenna.
Realized gain is four pi times the ratio of an antenna’s radiation intensity in a given direction to the total power incident upon the antenna port(s)
Gain is four pi times the ratio of an antenna’s radiation intensity in a given direction to the total power accepted by the antenna.
Realized gain is four pi times the ratio of an antenna’s radiation intensity in a given direction to the total power incident upon the antenna port(s)
Gain 不考虑端口驻波影响
Realized gain考虑端口驻波影响
HFSS里面,对于GAIN,是用4*pi*U/Pacc,Pacc字面上理解就是端口从激励源接受的功率,而realized gain用的是Pincident,就是全部的入射功率,当端口共轭匹配的时候,Pacc就等于Pincident, 实际不可能做到完全匹配,所以Pincident始终是大于Pacc的,所以,看方向图的时候,realized gain比gain小。