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ADS EM仿真遇到的问题

时间:10-02 整理:3721RD 点击:
回复 wangleisand 的帖子

   The simulation temperature (25.0 C) is not the same as the IEEE standard
    noise temperature (290 K or 16.85 C) in the noise analysis `SP1'.
    If the simulation temperature is not equal to the IEEE standard temperature,
    then the loss and the noise figure will not agree for a passive circuit.
    The `Temp' parameter on the Options item can be set to 16.85 C to
    eliminate this warning message.

Simulation / Synthesis Messages
Warning detected by hpeesofsim during TRAN analysis `SP1'.
    COMPONENT `X4_LNA_schematic_13_1':
       Simulator uses frequency lower than frequency range of Momentum model. The S-parameters are extrapolated.
Warning detected by hpeesofsim during TRAN analysis `SP1'.
    COMPONENT `X4_LNA_schematic_13_1':
       The model for the Layout Component is not found in the ModelDatabase, a new model is generated for the requested parameter values.
Warning detected by hpeesofsim during TRAN analysis `SP1'.
    COMPONENT `X4_LNA_schematic_13_1':
       The model for the Layout Component is reused from the ModelDatabase.
Warning detected by hpeesofsim during SP analysis `SP1'.
    The simulation temperature (25.0 C) is not the same as the IEEE standard
    noise temperature (290 K or 16.85 C) in the noise analysis `SP1'.
    If the simulation temperature is not equal to the IEEE standard temperature,
    then the loss and the noise figure will not agree for a passive circuit.
    The `Temp' parameter on the Options item can be set to 16.85 C to
    eliminate this warning message.



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