首页 > 研发问答 > 微波和射频技术 > 微波射频仿真学习讨论 > 怎样在cst 中自定义个脉冲

怎样在cst 中自定义个脉冲

时间:10-02 整理:3721RD 点击:
' userdefined excitation function
Option Explicit
Function ExcitationFunction(dtime As Double) As Double
   'Assign the excitation signal value for the given time to the function name.
Static bFirst As Boolean
Static timeval() As Double
Static Valval() As Double
Static Nt As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim TT As String,a As String
If dtime=0 Then
  'read file data
  Open "E:\User\time.txt" For Input As 1                    %  时间参数
  Open "E:\User\amp.txt" For Input As 2                    %  幅度参数
  Input #1,TT
  ReDim timeval(1 To Nt)
  ReDim Valval(1 To Nt)
          For i=1 To Nt
     Input #1,TT
            Input #2,a
        Close #1
        Close #2
End If
For i=1 To Nt
   If Abs(dtime-timeval(i)*1e+9)<0.05 Then
             Exit For
          End If
End Function
' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Main: This function serves as a main program for testing purposes. (runs and plots the function)
'       You need to rename this function to "Main" for debugging the excitation function.
'       Please adjust the time step width and the number of time steps accordingly.
'  PLEASE NOTE that a userdefined excitation file (*.usf) must not contain a main program for
'       proper execution by the framework. Therefore please ensure to rename this function
'       to e.g. "Main2" before the Transient Solver is started
' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sub Main
Dim tmax As Double, ntstep As Long
' -------------- PLEASE ADJUST THE SETTINGS BELOW ----------------------
tmax   = 50.0
ntstep = 502
' -------------- PLEASE ADJUST THE SETTINGS ABOVE ----------------------
Dim signal As Object, n As Long, tstep As Double
Set signal = Result1D("")
signal.Initialize ntstep
tstep = tmax / ntstep
For n=0 To ntstep-1
  signal.SetXY(n, n * tstep, ExcitationFunction(n * tstep))
Next n
signal.Save GetProjectBaseName() + GetProjectBaseNameSeparator() + "excitation function.sig"
signal.AddToTree "Excitation Signals\Userdefined Functions\signal1_plot"
SelectTreeItem  "Excitation Signals\Userdefined Functions\signal1_plot"
End Sub
但是就是运行不起。 哪位  帮我看看这个程序,


:qqw :15bb :qqr :qqm :qqw :14bb :qqx


2008版可以读.txt文件, 第一栏是时间, 第二栏是幅度, 非常方便.


Function ExcitationFunction(dtime As Double) As Double
End Function
Sub Main
Dim tmax As Double, ntstep As Long
End Sub


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