首页 > 研发问答 > 微波和射频技术 > 微波射频仿真学习讨论 > 滑出式菜单效果


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  1. <html>

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  3. <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312">
  4. <title>网页特效|Linkweb.cn/Js|---滑出式菜单</title>
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  158. //Only edit the script between HERE

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  170. addItem(' 小类菜单5', '#', '_blank');
  171. addItem(' 小类菜单6', '#', '_blank');

  172. // and HERE! No more!

  173. document.write('<tr><td bgcolor="'+hdrBGColor+'"><font size="0" face="Arial"> </font></td></TR></table>')
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  178. <script>
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  181. </body>
  182. </html>


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