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时间:10-02 整理:3721RD 点击:
18:20:49 (lmgrd) -----------------------------------------------
18:20:49 (lmgrd)   Please Note:
18:20:49 (lmgrd)
18:20:49 (lmgrd)   This log is intended for debug purposes only.
18:20:49 (lmgrd)   In order to capture accurate license
18:20:49 (lmgrd)   usage data into an organized repository,
18:20:49 (lmgrd)   please enable report logging. Use Acresso Software Inc.'s
18:20:49 (lmgrd)   software license administration  solution,
18:20:49 (lmgrd)   FLEXnet Manager, to  readily gain visibility
18:20:49 (lmgrd)   into license usage data and to create
18:20:49 (lmgrd)   insightful reports on critical information like
18:20:49 (lmgrd)   license availability and usage. FLEXnet Manager
18:20:49 (lmgrd)   can be fully automated to run these reports on
18:20:49 (lmgrd)   schedule and can be used to track license
18:20:49 (lmgrd)   servers and usage across a heterogeneous
18:20:49 (lmgrd)   network of servers including Windows NT, Linux
18:20:49 (lmgrd)   and UNIX. Contact Acresso Software Inc. at
18:20:49 (lmgrd)   for more details on how to
18:20:49 (lmgrd)   obtain an evaluation copy of FLEXnet Manager
18:20:49 (lmgrd)   for your enterprise.
18:20:49 (lmgrd)
18:20:49 (lmgrd) -----------------------------------------------
18:20:49 (lmgrd)
18:20:49 (lmgrd)
18:20:49 (lmgrd) pid 6060
18:20:49 (lmgrd) Detecting other license server manager (lmgrd) processes...
18:20:49 (lmgrd) Done rereading
18:20:49 (lmgrd) FLEXnet Licensing (v11.6.0.0 build 60117 i86_n3) started on move-PC (IBM PC) (10/31/2010)
18:20:49 (lmgrd) Copyright (c) 1988-2008 Acresso Software Inc. All Rights Reserved.
18:20:49 (lmgrd) US Patents 5,390,297 and 5,671,412.
18:20:49 (lmgrd)
18:20:49 (lmgrd) License file(s): E:\CST STUDIO SUITE 2010\license.dat
18:20:49 (lmgrd) lmgrd tcp-port 27000
18:20:49 (lmgrd) Starting vendor daemons ...
18:20:49 (lmgrd) Started cstd (pid 2840)
18:20:49 (cstd) FLEXnet Licensing version v11.6.0.0 build 60117 i86_n3
18:20:50 (cstd) Server started on move-PC for: solv  
18:20:50 (cstd) MS  MSfrontend MSpostproc
18:20:50 (cstd) MSfrontendemc MScadiges MScadstep
18:20:50 (cstd) TLMsolver TLMsolveremc start  
18:20:50 (cstd) frontend cmws  cems  
18:20:50 (cstd) cps  cmss  cmps  
18:20:50 (cstd) cds  iges  step  
18:20:50 (cstd) proe  catia  catia5  
18:20:50 (cstd) inventor vdafs  nastran  
18:20:50 (cstd) cadenceapdallegro impmecad extdxf  
18:20:50 (cstd) gdsii  impgbrunion impgbrnetex
18:20:50 (cstd) hmdi  expiges  expstep  
18:20:50 (cstd) felinux  dslinux  zcr5000  
18:20:50 (cstd) odbplusplus mentorgraphics sldarimp
18:20:50 (cstd) mgcpads  famly  mhyperlynx
18:20:50 (cstd) tetmesh  hexmesh  srfmesh  
18:20:50 (cstd) hexmeshmp paraswp  optz  
18:20:50 (cstd) distpar  distopt  pmode  
18:20:50 (cstd) 3dtd  hftdgui  hftdhex  
18:20:50 (cstd) hftdmss  hftdad  hftdlossm
18:20:50 (cstd) hftddisp hftdgyro opnb  
18:20:50 (cstd) hftdpbc  hftdexwg hftdexdiscr
18:20:50 (cstd) hftdexplw hftdlump hftdexsimul
18:20:50 (cstd) hftdspara hftdssym hftdar  
18:20:50 (cstd) disttran 3dtdmp  hftdhwacc
18:20:50 (cstd) hftdhwaccdouble hftdhwaccquad hftdhwaccsingle40
18:20:50 (cstd) hftdhwaccdouble40 hftdhwaccquad40 acctoken
18:20:50 (cstd) acctokeniml hftdmpi  3dfd  
18:20:50 (cstd) hffdhex  3dfdtet  hffdad  
18:20:50 (cstd) hffdlossm hffddisp hffdopbc
18:20:50 (cstd) hffdpbc  hffduc  hffdexwg
18:20:50 (cstd) hffdexdiscr hffdlumped hffddir  
18:20:50 (cstd) hffditer hffdfs  3dfdmp  
18:20:50 (cstd) hffdexplw hffdgyro hffdgyroel
18:20:50 (cstd) hffdbfe  distfdhex distfdtet
18:20:50 (cstd) 3dfdie  3dfdsrf  hffdiead
18:20:50 (cstd) hffdielossm hffdiedisp hffdiedir
18:20:50 (cstd) hffdiefmm hffdiefs hffdiedgap
18:20:50 (cstd) hffdieplw hffdieffs hffdiefieldmonitor
18:20:50 (cstd) distfdsrf hffdieprecond 3dfdiemp
18:20:50 (cstd) hffdieexwg hffdiegp hffdiecurr
18:20:50 (cstd) hffdieiterative hffdsens 3dfdieml
18:20:50 (cstd) 3dfdsrfml hffdiemldisp hffdiemldir
18:20:50 (cstd) hffdiemliterative hffdiemlfs hffdiemldgap
18:20:50 (cstd) hffdiemlplw hffdiemlprecond hffdiemlfieldmonitor
18:20:50 (cstd) hffdiemlexwg 3dmor  hexmor  
18:20:50 (cstd) hexmoradap hexmorwg hexmordiscr
18:20:50 (cstd) distfdmor 3dmorf  hexmorf  
18:20:50 (cstd) hexmorfadap hexmorfwg hexmorfdiscr
18:20:50 (cstd) distfdmorf 3dem  hexepba  
18:20:50 (cstd) hexeadap hexedisp hexepb  
18:20:50 (cstd) 3demmp  hexeqfac disthexe
18:20:50 (cstd) 3dasympt 3destatic sehex  
18:20:50 (cstd) 3destatic_tet seadapt  3destatic_ob
18:20:50 (cstd) seforce  secap  seomp  
18:20:50 (cstd) 3deqs  eqshex  3deqs_tet
18:20:50 (cstd) eqsadapt 3deqs_ob eqscap  
18:20:50 (cstd) eqsforce eqsomp  3dmstatic
18:20:50 (cstd) shhex  3dmstatic_tet shadapt  
18:20:50 (cstd) 3dmstatic_nl 3dmstatic_ob shforce  
18:20:50 (cstd) shind  shpind  shomp  
18:20:50 (cstd) 3dmqstd  mqstd_hex mqstd_tet
18:20:50 (cstd) mqstd_adapt mqstd_omp 3djstatic
18:20:50 (cstd) sjhex  3djstatic_tet sjadapt  
18:20:50 (cstd) sjimp  sjomp  3dlowfrq
18:20:50 (cstd) lfhex  3dlowfrq_tet lfadapt  
18:20:50 (cstd) 3dlowfrq_ob lfwave  lfforce  
18:20:50 (cstd) lfomp  thsolv  thhex  
18:20:50 (cstd) thtet  thadapt  thopbc  
18:20:50 (cstd) thconv  thrad  thtrans  
18:20:50 (cstd) thomp  mechstr  pssolv  
18:20:50 (cstd) pshex  psgui  3dtrk  
18:20:50 (cstd) ptexepictran ptexepicstat ptexegun
18:20:50 (cstd) ptexepicgui ptexepicsource ptexeport
18:20:50 (cstd) ptexesource ptexewakegui ptexewake
18:20:50 (cstd) pspartinterf dscmpsimp dscmpts  
18:20:50 (cstd) dscmpmwsf dscmpmwsp dscmpmwsn
18:20:50 (cstd) dscmpds  dscmplib dscmpson
18:20:50 (cstd) dscmpmic dscmpvba dscmpcirc
18:20:50 (cstd) dscmptl  dscmpms  dscmpwg  
18:20:50 (cstd) dscmpcirbas dscmpsemid dscmpsemibp
18:20:50 (cstd) dscmpsemimes dscmpsemimos dscmpcirms
18:20:50 (cstd) dscmpcirsl dsspara  circuits
18:20:50 (cstd) circuit  circuitn circuithb
18:20:50 (cstd) circuittd circuitamp circuitmix
18:20:50 (cstd) dsantenna aplaclink dsoptz  
18:20:50 (cstd) dsparaswp dscache  dsinter  
18:20:50 (cstd) dsdiff  dsdeem  dsmwiz  
18:20:50 (cstd) dstune  dscmpspice dscmpibis
18:20:50 (cstd) dscmpcblsf dscmpcblsp dscmppcbsf
18:20:50 (cstd) dscmpmssp dscmpmssf dscmppcbsp
18:20:50 (cstd) dscmpsiml dscmpsl  combineres
18:20:50 (cstd) farf  sarcalc  qfactor  
18:20:50 (cstd) srenorm  postar  spicemor
18:20:50 (cstd) spiceexp yieldana cpcbs  
18:20:50 (cstd) altpcadsl altprotel99sesl cadenceallegrosl
18:20:50 (cstd) cadenceorcadsl mentorboardstationsl mentorboardexpeditionsl
18:20:50 (cstd) mentorboardepadssl zcr5000sl zvisulasl
18:20:50 (cstd) pcbpeecsolv pcbtlsolv pcb3DFEFDsolv
18:20:50 (cstd) ccbls  nastrancbl cbltlsolv
18:20:50 (cstd) m400  p400  oo400  
18:20:50 (cstd) w3400  e400  s400  
18:20:50 (cstd) h3400  t2400  t3400  
18:20:50 (cstd) tl400  ts2400  ts3400  
18:20:50 (cstd) modal  hexewg  hexediscr
18:20:50 (cstd) emsolv  impgerber fems1  
18:20:50 (cstd) fems2  fmws4  fmws5  
18:20:50 (cstd) emdistopt emdistpar fps1  
18:20:50 (cstd) psdistopt psdistpar
18:20:50 (cstd) EXTERNAL FILTERS are OFF
18:21:00 (cstd) Vendor daemon can't talk to lmgrd (License server machine is down or not responding. (-96,491))
18:21:00 (cstd) EXITING DUE TO SIGNAL 28 Exit reason 5
18:21:04 (lmgrd) cstd exited with status 28 (Communications error)
18:21:04 (lmgrd) Since this is an unknown status, license server
18:21:04 (lmgrd) manager (lmgrd) will attempt to re-start the vendor daemon.
18:21:04 (lmgrd) REStarted cstd (pid 4296)
18:21:04 (cstd) FLEXnet Licensing version v11.6.0.0 build 60117 i86_n3
18:21:05 (cstd) Server started on move-PC for: solv  
18:21:05 (cstd) MS  MSfrontend MSpostproc
18:21:05 (cstd) MSfrontendemc MScadiges MScadstep
18:21:05 (cstd) TLMsolver TLMsolveremc start  
18:21:05 (cstd) frontend cmws  cems  
18:21:05 (cstd) cps  cmss  cmps  
18:21:05 (cstd) cds  iges  step  
18:21:05 (cstd) proe  catia  catia5  
18:21:05 (cstd) inventor vdafs  nastran  
18:21:05 (cstd) cadenceapdallegro impmecad extdxf  
18:21:05 (cstd) gdsii  impgbrunion impgbrnetex
18:21:05 (cstd) hmdi  expiges  expstep  
18:21:05 (cstd) felinux  dslinux  zcr5000  
18:21:05 (cstd) odbplusplus mentorgraphics sldarimp
18:21:05 (cstd) mgcpads  famly  mhyperlynx
18:21:05 (cstd) tetmesh  hexmesh  srfmesh  
18:21:05 (cstd) hexmeshmp paraswp  optz  
18:21:05 (cstd) distpar  distopt  pmode  
18:21:05 (cstd) 3dtd  hftdgui  hftdhex  
18:21:05 (cstd) hftdmss  hftdad  hftdlossm
18:21:05 (cstd) hftddisp hftdgyro opnb  
18:21:05 (cstd) hftdpbc  hftdexwg hftdexdiscr
18:21:05 (cstd) hftdexplw hftdlump hftdexsimul
18:21:05 (cstd) hftdspara hftdssym hftdar  
18:21:05 (cstd) disttran 3dtdmp  hftdhwacc
18:21:05 (cstd) hftdhwaccdouble hftdhwaccquad hftdhwaccsingle40
18:21:05 (cstd) hftdhwaccdouble40 hftdhwaccquad40 acctoken
18:21:05 (cstd) acctokeniml hftdmpi  3dfd  
18:21:05 (cstd) hffdhex  3dfdtet  hffdad  
18:21:05 (cstd) hffdlossm hffddisp hffdopbc
18:21:05 (cstd) hffdpbc  hffduc  hffdexwg
18:21:05 (cstd) hffdexdiscr hffdlumped hffddir  
18:21:05 (cstd) hffditer hffdfs  3dfdmp  
18:21:05 (cstd) hffdexplw hffdgyro hffdgyroel
18:21:05 (cstd) hffdbfe  distfdhex distfdtet
18:21:05 (cstd) 3dfdie  3dfdsrf  hffdiead
18:21:05 (cstd) hffdielossm hffdiedisp hffdiedir
18:21:05 (cstd) hffdiefmm hffdiefs hffdiedgap
18:21:05 (cstd) hffdieplw hffdieffs hffdiefieldmonitor
18:21:05 (cstd) distfdsrf hffdieprecond 3dfdiemp
18:21:05 (cstd) hffdieexwg hffdiegp hffdiecurr
18:21:05 (cstd) hffdieiterative hffdsens 3dfdieml
18:21:05 (cstd) 3dfdsrfml hffdiemldisp hffdiemldir
18:21:05 (cstd) hffdiemliterative hffdiemlfs hffdiemldgap
18:21:05 (cstd) hffdiemlplw hffdiemlprecond hffdiemlfieldmonitor
18:21:05 (cstd) hffdiemlexwg 3dmor  hexmor  
18:21:05 (cstd) hexmoradap hexmorwg hexmordiscr
18:21:05 (cstd) distfdmor 3dmorf  hexmorf  
18:21:05 (cstd) hexmorfadap hexmorfwg hexmorfdiscr
18:21:05 (cstd) distfdmorf 3dem  hexepba  
18:21:05 (cstd) hexeadap hexedisp hexepb  
18:21:05 (cstd) 3demmp  hexeqfac disthexe
18:21:05 (cstd) 3dasympt 3destatic sehex  
18:21:05 (cstd) 3destatic_tet seadapt  3destatic_ob
18:21:05 (cstd) seforce  secap  seomp  
18:21:05 (cstd) 3deqs  eqshex  3deqs_tet
18:21:05 (cstd) eqsadapt 3deqs_ob eqscap  
18:21:05 (cstd) eqsforce eqsomp  3dmstatic
18:21:05 (cstd) shhex  3dmstatic_tet shadapt  
18:21:05 (cstd) 3dmstatic_nl 3dmstatic_ob shforce  
18:21:05 (cstd) shind  shpind  shomp  
18:21:05 (cstd) 3dmqstd  mqstd_hex mqstd_tet
18:21:05 (cstd) mqstd_adapt mqstd_omp 3djstatic
18:21:05 (cstd) sjhex  3djstatic_tet sjadapt  
18:21:05 (cstd) sjimp  sjomp  3dlowfrq
18:21:05 (cstd) lfhex  3dlowfrq_tet lfadapt  
18:21:05 (cstd) 3dlowfrq_ob lfwave  lfforce  
18:21:05 (cstd) lfomp  thsolv  thhex  
18:21:05 (cstd) thtet  thadapt  thopbc  
18:21:05 (cstd) thconv  thrad  thtrans  
18:21:05 (cstd) thomp  mechstr  pssolv  
18:21:05 (cstd) pshex  psgui  3dtrk  
18:21:05 (cstd) ptexepictran ptexepicstat ptexegun
18:21:05 (cstd) ptexepicgui ptexepicsource ptexeport
18:21:05 (cstd) ptexesource ptexewakegui ptexewake
18:21:05 (cstd) pspartinterf dscmpsimp dscmpts  
18:21:05 (cstd) dscmpmwsf dscmpmwsp dscmpmwsn
18:21:05 (cstd) dscmpds  dscmplib dscmpson
18:21:05 (cstd) dscmpmic dscmpvba dscmpcirc
18:21:05 (cstd) dscmptl  dscmpms  dscmpwg  
18:21:05 (cstd) dscmpcirbas dscmpsemid dscmpsemibp
18:21:05 (cstd) dscmpsemimes dscmpsemimos dscmpcirms
18:21:05 (cstd) dscmpcirsl dsspara  circuits
18:21:05 (cstd) circuit  circuitn circuithb
18:21:05 (cstd) circuittd circuitamp circuitmix
18:21:05 (cstd) dsantenna aplaclink dsoptz  
18:21:05 (cstd) dsparaswp dscache  dsinter  
18:21:05 (cstd) dsdiff  dsdeem  dsmwiz  
18:21:05 (cstd) dstune  dscmpspice dscmpibis
18:21:05 (cstd) dscmpcblsf dscmpcblsp dscmppcbsf
18:21:05 (cstd) dscmpmssp dscmpmssf dscmppcbsp
18:21:05 (cstd) dscmpsiml dscmpsl  combineres
18:21:05 (cstd) farf  sarcalc  qfactor  
18:21:05 (cstd) srenorm  postar  spicemor
18:21:05 (cstd) spiceexp yieldana cpcbs  
18:21:05 (cstd) altpcadsl altprotel99sesl cadenceallegrosl
18:21:05 (cstd) cadenceorcadsl mentorboardstationsl mentorboardexpeditionsl
18:21:05 (cstd) mentorboardepadssl zcr5000sl zvisulasl
18:21:05 (cstd) pcbpeecsolv pcbtlsolv pcb3DFEFDsolv
18:21:05 (cstd) ccbls  nastrancbl cbltlsolv
18:21:05 (cstd) m400  p400  oo400  
18:21:05 (cstd) w3400  e400  s400  
18:21:05 (cstd) h3400  t2400  t3400  
18:21:05 (cstd) tl400  ts2400  ts3400  
18:21:05 (cstd) modal  hexewg  hexediscr
18:21:05 (cstd) emsolv  impgerber fems1  
18:21:05 (cstd) fems2  fmws4  fmws5  
18:21:05 (cstd) emdistopt emdistpar fps1  
18:21:05 (cstd) psdistopt psdistpar
18:21:05 (cstd) EXTERNAL FILTERS are OFF

回复 00d44 的帖子


回复 00d44 的帖子
2010.remote的话,提示是wrong port@host,or port or hostname has changed


回复 00d44 的帖子
而且打开Cstpatcher.exe的时候,cmd界面直接提示cannot open Cstpatcher.exe

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