首页 > 研发问答 > 微波和射频技术 > 微波射频仿真学习讨论 > 请问何处可以找到unix版本的HFSS


时间:10-02 整理:3721RD 点击:
我需要在sun 工作站上安装HFSS,请问哪里能下载到solaris unix版本的HFSS。请哪位大侠告知一下,谢谢!






HFSS(tm) v10.1.3
                        Ansoft Corporation
              225 West Station Square Dr, Suite 200
                    Pittsburgh, PA 15219-1119

This file contains important information regarding the installation and
use of HFSS(tm).  When appropriate, late-breaking information is
provided herein that could not be included in the software documentation.

System Requirements
Minimum System Requirements:
Processor: UltraSparc v9 processor, 450 MHz
Hard Drive Space (for HFSS software): 550 MB
Recommended Minimum Configuration (for Optimal Performance):
Processor: UltraSparc v9 dual processor or better, 1000 MHz
Hard Drive Space (for HFSS software and temporary files): 1 GB
Supported Operating Systems: Solaris 8-9

This CD contains the following installation options:
- Install HFSS: Use this option to install HFSS on your local machine.
- Install HFSS Libraries: Use this option to install the libraries
on any machine that HFSS can see from the network.  Installing the libraries
in a location accessible to multiple machines allows multiple users
to share a common HFSS libraries database.
Note: If you want to install the HFSS libraries on your local machine,
you can do so during the HFSS software installation.
- Install Mainwin Core Services:  Use this option to configure machines for
  remote or distributed analysis.  To install, one must be an administrator.

Technical and Installation Support
For installation support, please contact Jeff Driscoll at
(+1) 845-265-5205.
For technical support, please contact the Ansoft support office nearest to
your location.  The Ansoft support offices can be found by accessing
Please provide the following information when you contact us:
  - Your name and affiliation
  - Version number of HFSS
  - The type of hardware and operating system you are using
  - A description of what happened and what you were doing when the
    problem occurred as well as the exact wording of any messages
    that appeared on the screen
HFSS project files (.hfss) are ASCII text and can be sent by e-mail.
Alternately, you may access Ansoft's Online Technical Support site
(http://www.ansoft.com/ots) for answers to common installation
and technical support issues, available patches, and other
product-specific information.  

HFSS v10.1.3 Release Information
Minimum Required Patches
OS-specific patches:
Solaris 8: 108434-13, 108435-13, 109147-25,
           111721-04 (UltraSPARC-III types)
Solaris 9: 111711-06, 111722-04

OpenGL 1.3 patches (Solaris 8-9):
113886-09 (32-bit patch)
113887-09 (64-bit patch)

Graphics card-specific patches:
XVR-1000: Solaris 8: 112564-13
          Solaris 9: 112565-13

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