首页 > 研发问答 > PCB设计问答 > Orcad > capture生成网络表时产生的奇怪告警?


时间:10-02 整理:3721RD 点击:


#363 DDB_WARN: POWER_GROUP property is not allowed in chips.prt file. Please add the same in either PPT or on schematic. Ignoring the POWER_GROUP property specified on line 2708.
#363 DDB_WARN: POWER_GROUP property is not allowed in chips.prt file. Please add the same in either PPT or on schematic. Ignoring the POWER_GROUP property specified on line 2977.
#363 DDB_WARN: POWER_GROUP property is not allowed in chips.prt file. Please add the same in either PPT or on schematic. Ignoring the POWER_GROUP property specified on line 3195.
Loading... D:\ORCAD\SC2000_NEW\allegro/pstchip.dat
#363 DDB_WARN: POWER_GROUP property is not allowed in chips.prt file. Please add the same in either PPT or on schematic. Ignoring the POWER_GROUP property specified on line 2708.
#363 DDB_WARN: POWER_GROUP property is not allowed in chips.prt file. Please add the same in either PPT or on schematic.
 Ignoring the POWER_GROUP property specified on line 2977.
#363 DDB_WARN: POWER_GROUP property is not allowed in chips.prt file. Please add the same in either PPT or on schematic. Ignoring the POWER_GROUP property specified on line 3195.
Loading... D:\ORCAD\SC2000_NEW\allegro/pstxprt.dat
Loading... D:\ORCAD\SC2000_NEW\allegro/pstxnet.dat

POWER_GROUP 是我自己加的一个property,用来把一个封装元件的几个部分组合在一起.

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