#1 Warning [ALG0047] "No_connect" property on Pin "U22.4" ignored for U22: SCHEMATIC1, 05_DSUB PORT (14.50, 10.70). Connecting pin to net "D6_BUFFER".
#2 Warning [ALG0015] Net "SG_VIDEO " is renamed to "SG_VIDEO".
#9 Warning [ALG0016] Part Name "CAP_CE_98_BD248_H492_HD30_LF3_DISCRETE_220UF/16V" is renamed to "CAP_CE_98_BD248_H492_HD30_LF3_D".
Warning [ALG0016] Part is renamed to
Part name has a length limit of 31 characters. Part name is either the DEVICE property value or a combination of Source Package, PCB Footprint and other properties found in the [ComponentDefinitionProps] section of the configuration file. The DEVICE property is only used if it is present on the part.
If the name exceeds the 31-character limit, the Value property is automatically shortened to obtain the 31 character limit. The rules for renaming parts may be found in the Allegro topic in the Capture Knowledge System (Capture's online help).
因为Part Name 过长,自动截掉一部分。没有关系的
Your warnings are a result of the names you gave to your components. Component names have to be less than 32 characters, and although they were counted, I don't believe spaces are legal characters either. If you count the characters, you will see that the warning is telling you that the name was truncated.
The truncated names can't match up with the netnames using the illegal long component names, so your netlist fails.
Shorten all your component names, and follow the instructions in the Allegro manual.