agilent 6631D 使用问题请教
电源附带的一个测电流的软件Agilent 14565B DCS,有些问题一直没弄懂,想请教大家:
图中的红圈部分RANGE:有高,中,低 三个选相,有什么不同呢
TYPE中的DC-ONLY 和PULSE又有什么不同呢<img src="attachments/dvbbs/2009-11/200911302040973499.jpg" border="0" onclick="zoom(this)" onload="if(this.width>document.body.clientWidth*0.5) {this.resized=true;this.width=document.body.clientWidth*0.5;'pointer';} else {this.onclick=null}" alt="" />
Current Range - Select High, Medium (< 1A), or Low (< 0.02A) range current measurements. Use the Low range if your current measurements will always be less than 20 mA. Use High range if any current measurements will be greater than 1 ampere.
Current Type - Select Pulse or DC-only current type. Use Pulse when measuring current pulses or other waveforms with a frequency content greater than a few kilohertz. Use DC-only when making dc current measurements and you require a measurement offset better than 2mA on the High current measurement range. Otherwise, the DC-only current type gives inaccurate results on current waveforms with ac content. Note that the current type is fixed at DC-only in the Low current range.
谢谢楼 上的
您好 我刚开始使用66319D 和这个软件 用GPIB线连接 但是用DLOG模式测试电流时候 电流一直没有变化 请问是什么问题?