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求救Orcad Capture CIS生成网表时出现问题

时间:10-02 整理:3721RD 点击:
#679 Error   [ALG0013] Conflicting values of following Component Instance properties found on different sections of U25.
#680 Error   [ALG0013] Conflicting values of following Component Instance properties found on different sections of U25.
#681 Error   [ALG0013] Conflicting values of following Component Instance properties found on different sections of U25.
#682 Error   [ALG0013] Conflicting values of following Component Instance properties found on different sections of U25.
#683 Error   [ALG0013] Conflicting values of following Component Instance prope
rties found on different sections of U25.
#684 Error   [ALG0013] Conflicting values of following Component Instance properties found on different sections of U25.
#685 Error   [ALG0013] Conflicting values of following Component Instance properties found on different sections of U25.
#686 Error   [ALG0013] Conflicting values of following Component Instance properties found on different sections of U25.
#687 Error   [ALG0013] Conflicting values of following Component Instance properties found on different sections of U25.
#688 Error   [ALG0013] Conflicting values of following Component Instance properties found on different sections of U25.
#689 Error   [ALG0013] Conflicting values of following Component Instance properties found on different sections of U25.
#690 Error   [ALG0013] Conflicting values of following Component Instance properties found on different secti
ons of U25.
#691 Aborting Netlisting... Please correct the above errors and retry.
Exiting... "D:\Cadence\SPB_16.0\tools\capture\pstswp.exe" -pst -d "F:\TIADC\Project\sch_ver3\tiadc_ver3.dsn" -n "F:\TIADC\Project\sch_ver3\allegro" -c "D:\Cadence\SPB_16.0\tools\capture\allegro.cfg" -v 3 -j "PCB Footprint"

这个一般是因为同一颗零件的不同part,比如part A和part B,同一个属性的属性值不一样,不如属性part number:part A为123,而part B为234,你要做的就是检查零件,把这些问题改掉试试。

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