首页 > 研发问答 > PCB设计问答 > Orcad > orcad中元件信息中的device起什么作用?


时间:10-02 整理:3721RD 点击:
如题,orcad中画原理图调入元件时需要修改元件信息,其中有一行device不知道起什么作用,而且现在导网表时候会出现 [ALG0013] Conflicting values of following Component Definition properties found on LED_R7 and LED_R1 for part "SMD_R_0603".

Error[ALG0013] Conflicting values of following properties found on different sections of < Part Reference >
For multi-section parts, all sections must have the same values for the properties listed under [ComponentInstanceProps] in the configuration file. For example, ROOM is a component instance property, so if you add {ROOM} to the combined property string when you annotate, then sections with differing ROOM properties will not be packaged together.
You can separate or combine component instances in a multi-section parts just by specifying distinguishing properties in the combined property string. Check the configuration file to identify the component instance properties currently available.


上一篇:orcad 中的批量net名swap

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